Reverse the clock and look years younger with premium anti-wrinkle treatments. Say goodbye to deep lines and hello to smoother skin.
Anti-wrinkle Injections relax the facial muscles, leading to less lines and a younger appearance. Look your best and feel your best with our state-of-the-art anti-wrinkle treatment.
Our Anti-wrinkle injections provide natural looking results, with a rejuvenated and youthful appearance which helps soften facial lines.
The results of this treatment can last for up to four months. It is important to remember that the results of anti-wrinkle injections are individual to the patient. Everybody’s reaction to the treatment will be different, including how long the results of this procedure will last.
During your consultation, we will advise you on how well anti-wrinkle injections will work and what to expect from the treatment.
Sometimes referred to as a ‘lunch time procedure’, anti-wrinkle injections are a quick, in and out treatment.
Treatment time is dependent on the area being treated however minimum treatment time is approximately 30 – 45 minutes.
Anti Wrinkle Injections have minimal to no recovery time and you can continue with your day afterwards. You can wear makeup as usual and won’t have excessive bruising or swelling in the areas.
You can expect to start seeing results within just a few days after your treatment and the injections will be fully developed within 7 – 14 days.
Anti Wrinkle injections last on average 3 – 4 months however results may vary depending on the individual.
Your safety is our main concern and for this reason, we advise against cosmetic injectable, laser hair removal and medical grade treatments whilst pregnant, simply out of precaution and due to the lack of information available on effects on the fetus.
However, there are no conclusive studies on these treatments being safe or unsafe for pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you have any concerns about please consult your doctor before proceeding.
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Fast Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
Treatments are often a lunch-time procedure with minimal time out of your schedule.
Minimal to no recovery time
Bounce back fast and go back to wearing makeup almost instantly.
Fast results
See results in just a few days with treatments that can last 3-4 months* (results vary based on the individual)
Love how you look
Love how you look and feel with treatment options that can help boost your confidence and self esteem.